Report Food Assistance Fraud
This web page is a secure document. Any information you see or enter is encrypted for privacy during transmission and will not be easily read by a third party. (* Denotes Required Field)
Information about the person you suspect is committing Food Assistance fraud:
*First Name
*Last Name
Zip Code
*Briefly explain how you suspect they are committing fraud
When Did Alleged Fraud Start?
If they are working, please provide as many details as you can about their employer:
Employer Name:
Employer Address:
Employer City:
Employer State:
Employer Zip Code:
Employer Phone:
What is your name, address, telephone number, and email address?
Your First Name:
Your Last Name:
Your Address:
Your City:
Your State:
Your Zip Code:
Your Phone Number:
Your Email Address:
Thank you for your report of suspected fraud. Privacy laws prevent us from disclosing the results of any investigation that may result from your report.